• Barnettmaritime Internet Site on the explanation and history of the HEICS, see:
  • Bengal Pilot Service to 1834: a Wikipedia site dedicated to ships that transported goods on the Hooghly River, see
  • Contemporary Newspaper and Journals.
  • Miller, Russell: "The East Indiamen" publ. Time-Life Books 1980.
  • Cotton, E: "East Indiamen - The East India Company's Maritime Service" London 1949.
  • East India Company Archive - British Library. Ref: L/MAR/B/217C. Journal of the H.E.I.C. Ship Huddart 10 March 1806 to 6 October 1807.
  • for information concerning types of ships in the HEICS see:
  • Farrington, A: "Catalogue of The East India Ship's Journals & Logs. 1600 - 1834". British Library 1999.
  • Farrington, A: "A Biographical Index of East India Company Maritime Officers 1600 - 1834". British Library. 1999.
  • Fay, Peter Ward "The Opium War, 1840-1842". First published 1975.
  • Gosse, P: "St. Helena 1502 - 1938" Oswestry 1990. First published London 1938.
  • Hardy, C: "Register of Ships - The East India Company 1760 - 1810" London 1811.
  • Horsburgh, John Directions for sailing to and from the East Indies, China, New Holland and the Cape of Good Hope". Published 1811.
  • Keay, J. "The Honourable Company - A History of the English East India Company". London 1991.
  • Lavery, Brian: "The Ship of the Line 1650-1850" 2 Vols. Published Conway Maritime Press 1983.
  • Macgregor, David: "Index of Merchant Sailing Ships, 1775-1815" Navel Institute Press 2001. First published London 1985.
  • Miller, Russell: The East Indiamen.
  • Oxford Dictionary of National Bibliophy (ODNB).
  • Parkinson, C Northcote: "Trade in the Eastern Seas 1793-1813" Cambridge UP 1937.
  • Perrin, W.G.: British Flags and their early history Cambridge UP, 1922.
  • Popham, Home, Sir, Telegraphic signals; or marine vocabulary 1801, C. Roworth Printer, Bell Yard, Temple Bar, (Transcribed by Peter Ball, January 2006), from signal book at the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, UK
  • Pbenyon Internet Site dedicated to information on HMS ships of the period, see:
  • Reid, Lieut Colonel W.: The Law of Storms, Publ. John Weale, 1846, including many extracts from ships journals.
  • Smyth, Admiral W.H.: The Sailor's World, A Complete Dictionary of Nautical Terms from the Napoleonic and Victorian Navies. Publ: Fireship Press 2007.